Meetings Guide

We have a variety of meeting locations at New World Stages that can be selected when using the Swapcard app. You’ll find information on the main locations, time slots and meeting etiquette below to ensure everyone gets the most from the show.


You can quickly arrange and keep a track of all your meetings on the event app.

  1. Simply go to the Attendee tab, here you can search and find people to connect with. You can chat, have video calls, and book meetings.
  2. Once you access a person’s profile you will see available time slots. Click on one of the suggested meeting slots. For more slots click “see more slots”.
  3. After selecting a slot and choosing a location for the meeting, write a note to the person you would like to meet. Once done, click “Send meeting request”

Then keep an eye on your notifications to find out if the person accepted your meeting. (You may need to update your settings in the app)
If you no longer need a meeting, please cancel it so the space can be released.


To make it easier for attendees to find each other at a busy show, we have separated the event into two zones.

  • Orchestra Level
  • The Mezzanine

The Orchestra Level is where the exhibition stands are located and The Mezzanine is located just above this space, and is where the 456 Growth Partnerships Lounge and Bazaarvoice Green Room are located.

The 456 Growth Partnerships Lounge, located on The Mezzanine, offers 15 minute bookable meeting slots throughout the conference. 

In addition to this, there are unreserved meeting tables available on both levels, which can be utilised as ad hoc meeting space. These are highlighted on the floorplan and will operate on a first come first serve basis. 

All meeting tables are numbered to assist you with finding them at the event.

All of our sponsor and exhibitor stands are also bookable meeting locations – each location will be labelled by its sponsor and easy to find.


We are working hard to make sure that everybody has a great experience at IMS USA, but we also need your help to make sure that everything runs smoothly. Here are some key points and rules to follow:

Check your app notifications and meeting requests – everybody is trying to make the most out of the event, let’s respect each other’s time and try to either accept or decline meeting requests as quickly as possible.

Show up! – nobody wants to be stood up, try your best to show up to your accepted meetings and if you no longer can attend, please make sure to cancel it on the app to inform the other party and release the meeting location for others to use.

Arrive and leave on time – schedules are busy, so it’s crucial that both parties arrive at the meeting location on time. It’s especially important if you book a meeting at an exhibitor table, as you may have to leave it after your allocated time, ready for the next meeting. Please make sure to leave the space behind you clean and tidy.


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